Hearing Conservation Program
- Audiometric testing and evaluation is conducted to meet the requirements of Revised
Regulations of Ontario (R.R.O.) 1990 Reg. 851 s 139.
- To assess 85dBA, on an 8-hour Time Weighted Average for one shift.
- Annual or bi-annual testing, as per specific company policy, of employees who periodically work in noisy areas but whose exposure may exceed the 85dBA Time Weighted Average.
- Re-testing is completed to confirm preliminary findings of a Standard Threshold Shift.
- Pre-exit testing is completed on all employees leaving the company. Employees leaving the company’s employ will be tested unless they have received an audiogram in the previous six months.
- Audiometric testing enables review of both "at work” and "off the job” hearing conservation controls with employees and gives employees an opportunity to request further information or guidance from the Health Services Department on hearing conservation controls or the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
- Audiometric testing allows for evaluation of the adequacy of noise exposure assessment and control, employee fitness for duty in hazardous noise environments and to detect hearing changes in personnel which could be a result of hazardous noise exposure.